• Emanuelle Around the World (Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?), also known as The Degradation of Emanuelle and Emanuelle Versus Violence to Women, is a 1977 sexploitation film by Italian director Joe D'Amato, starring Laura Gemser and George Eastman. The film was one of the most expensive films ever made in Italy at that time, not just in cast but in locations. The filming was done in many countries; Hong Kong, Iran, India, America and in a studio in Italy. It features a notable cast, including Gemser, Karin Schubert, Ivan Rassimov and Eastman.
  • 艾曼纽被派往曼谷从事新闻工作 在那里,她开始研究感官快感的秘密。她不仅收获了很多经验,还揭示了自己的几个秘密。
  • 马克是一名房地产开发商,他看中了一个海岛,欲把它改为私家度假地,便伙同船员乔治前往岛上查看,但这却引起了当地居民的不满。于是居民用巫术唤醒了地下的死人,当他们回过神来时,他们已经处于丧尸的包围之中……