• 《关系未来式》是一部探讨现代关系的纪录片,包含感情、家庭、自我、居住与科技关系。电影从一对相差51岁、来自两个国家的同志结婚故事开始,我们访问了社会学家对于婚姻的看法,并带出感情关系其实有各种可能性包含LAT、开放式关系、挪威的Sambo与Särbo等等,这些都挑战了我们对现代关系的想像。进一步探讨了与家人和解、自我探索、情感教育、共居生活、以及科技所带来的人际关系影响。
  • A pilots pregnant wife is killed by a band of thugs who break into their home. The gang is caught and sent off to prison. Wanting to see that "justice" is done the pilot stages his own death and then gets himself arrested so he can hunt the killers in the prisons into which they have been sent. To be honest the story is a bit clichéd with the plot taking some obvious paths o...