• 艾泽克在渡轮上当了多年服务员,因疫情失业,最终在一家酒店找到了一份夜班工作。 然而,谁知道艾泽克在他的第一个晚上会发生什么。
  • Abla, a widow and mother to a 10-year-old girl, struggles to survive and give her child the best possible future. After the death of her husband, she starts a home-based business from her kitchen.
  • 芒咕是动物城里负责给居民们送洗衣物的驴子。动物城的老国王狮子因为年迈打算退位,狐狸说服国王发起一场选举活动,在狐狸的安排下,成天爱做白日梦的芒咕竟然当选新的国王。驴子当国王让居民们很兴奋,而洗衣工芒咕对治理王国一窍不通,使王国陷入混乱,同时一场危机正笼罩着动物城。为了动物城的安全和自己的梦想,芒咕踏上了一段搞笑又刺激的冒险之旅。
  • 你的家人。你的世界。如果明天一切都消失了呢?如果社会正在崩溃,你会在多大程度上拯救你所爱的人?
  • 一名處境艱困的男子讀了一本書,書中的角色竟就出現在現實世界,還掌控了他的人生。
  • As she nears the end of her pregnancy, Itto and her in-laws find their lives turned upside down by a supernatural event.
  • Top IAF aviators come together in the face of imminent danger, to form Air Dragons. FIGHTER unfolds their camaraderie, brotherhood and battles, internal and external.