• 剧情讲述美国缉毒人员因查案被杀,其女儿怀疑一英国化妆品公司与此事件有关,遂到此公司做工业间谍,因而认识了另一位以工业间谍掩饰身份的国际警察,二人合力破了大案。
  • LesterisaclumsyandawkwardTVrepairmanwhoisneverthelessgiftedtechnically.Inhelpingoutafriend,heisdrawnintoamysteryinvolvingamissingheirinarichfamily.Hebeginstonoticelittlethings,likehowmuchthosefamilyportraitslooklikehim.Surely..no..hecan'tbe...canhbbb
  • A down-and-out gangster hires an alcoholic press agent to make his blonde bombshell girlfriend a recording star in 6 weeks. But what is he going to do when he finds out that she has no talent And what is going to happen when the two fall in love